Now that we are almost to 5 months, I guess I should update on the 4 month stats. Caleb was 13lbs 10oz (50%) and 25 inches (25%). He was in the 50% and 25% respectively at his 2 week appt and up to the 75% and 50% at 2 months. I'm pretty sure he'd be back up there if he was weighed and measured again because his growth spurts tend to occur a week or so later than I expect them. I think he might be starting one now because he was extremely tired today. Either way, he's still growing just fine.
What has he been up to lately?
-He is down to just 3 naps a day - normally totaling 4 hours.
-His sleep cycles are still 40-45 minutes. So he ends up sleeping 45 minutes and then I put him back to sleep for another 45 minutes for 1.5 hour long nap. This happens twice a day.
-He sleeps between 10 and 11 hours at night, stirring every 45 minutes but goes back to sleep on his own.
-He is finally staying awake for 2 hours at a time instead of just 1.5 hours so that is giving him more time to be on the floor.
-Since he's been spending more time on the floor he has discovered the fun of rolling, both tummy to back and back to tummy in both directions.
-He is pushing up with straight arms almost getting his entire tummy off the floor.
-Instead of trying to get his knees up under him, he kicks like he would to be swimming.
-The pterodactyl squeal that he started at a couple of days old is getting louder and longer.
-He enjoys blowing raspberries and will laugh at himself doing it.
-He likes to hold his own bottle for all of the feedings except the last one at night.
-He is still trying to figure out the sippy cup. He likes to put it in his mouth and chew instead of suck on it.
-He has grown out of some of the smaller 3-6 month clothes.
-He is wearing 12 month shorts because I didn't want to go buy 3-6 months shorts and we have lots of 12 month shorts, but they seem to fit him just fine.
-Believe it or not, he has pooped in the potty twice and peed numerous times and he really enjoys it (more on that later.)
-Tonight for the first time Caleb laughed at a situation. Usually he laughs at being tickled or funny noises, but tonight he pulled his bib off by accident and it made Dan laugh and then he started laughing.
-He still does his mouth-wide-open grin while playing and smiles when being talked to, but he has started giving me real, normal-looking smiles when he makes eye contact with me.
In other words, he is keeping us busy every day doing new things and exploring the world around him. Cloth diapering is going pretty good (when I remember to wash them!) We still put him in disposable at night because he sleeps for so long and is always soaked in the morning. I've been sitting him on the potty to pee every time I change his diaper and sometimes in between. Just about every time, he will actually pee. Since I was already changing him out of a cloth diaper and into a disposable diaper when I knew he was about to poop, I am now just sitting him on the potty. He always smiles when he has finished peeing or pooping in the potty. That's it for now though, I must go to bed!
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