Friday, January 13, 2012

2 Months

Some days it feels like Caleb was just born and some days it feels like these past 2 months have lasted forever. I guess it just depends on how much sleep we get on any given night (or day).

We are still making progress in the whole going to sleep and staying asleep thing. Two nights ago, we were able to get him in the crib asleep by 12:30AM which is way better than the 2AM schedule. Then he woke up at 2Am to eat but then slept until 7:15AM. Then last night, he was in the crib asleep by 11PM. He woke up at 5AM this morning, which is why I am awake right now. But he went back to sleep with the wubbanub instead of eating.

Even with getting him to bed earlier, he still likes to have that feeding between 7AM and 9AM sometime and go back to sleep. This doesn't bother me a bit as long as he sleeping at night, especially considering I always want to go back to sleep at that time too! Now that we are officially finished with the growth spurt that seemed to last FOREVER, he is consistently eating about every 3 hours for a total of 6 times during the day with a 7th time sometime during or at the beginning of the night. The doctor said he should be nursing 10-15 minutes per side at each feeding. Not going to happen! He will go anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes on one side and that is it.

2 month stats are in: 10 lbs 10.5 oz and 23 1/4 inches. This took him from the 25% in weight at 3 weeks to the 50% at 2 months and from the 50% in height at 3 weeks to the 75% at 2 months. I guess I don't have to worry about whether he is getting enough to eat even though he isn't nursing near as long as the doctor recommended. He just isn't chunky at all, except for his double chin :)

Still have pictures to post one day...

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