Friday, January 20, 2012

10 Weeks

We've made it 10 weeks!!!

First real smile I got a picture of even though it is blurry
(first smile was on Christmas day)

Practicing sitting up - falling to the right

Practicing sitting up - falling to the left

Practicing sitting up - falling to the back

Practicing sitting up - falling to the front

"Are you going to help me back up???"

Finally getting the hang of it!

Relaxing after all that hard work :)

Playing at his cousins' grandparents' house because Mommy lost one
set of keys and locked the other set in the van...little bit of a rough morning.

Today was a day of rest for Mommy and Caleb. We have let him eat and sleep when he wanted, which resulted in way less sleep than he needed at about 8-10 hours in a 24 hour period. So we decided to try out a schedule and see if we couldn't get him to sleep a little more. He did pretty good for a couple of days and slept great at night. Last night was not much fun with only 3.5 hours of sleep. So we both slept much of the day today. We went ahead with the bedtime routine and put him to sleep at 8:30 even though he slept most of the day. He is asleep and hopefully will get some good rest tonight.

Since we've been trying out this routine, Caleb gets a bath at night. He cries through the whole bath until it is time to wash his hair. The boy loves to have his hair washed! He comes by it honest though; I pay the money for a salon haircut so that I can enjoy the wash too.

He has been practicing sitting up since he hates to just lay down. In just a week, he has improved a lot and can now sit in the bumbo seat without falling over. We found out this week at the mentoring program that he really enjoys watching people play basketball. As in, he would get a sad look on his face if I turned him around to where he couldn't see but would smile when I turned him back around to see them. His eating schedule has been pretty consistent at 6 times during the day and 1 time at night. I finally don't feel like all I do is feed him anymore. 3 out of 5 nights this week he has slept in his crib which is in his room now. I am sleeping in the bed upstairs to still be somewhat close for those nights he still has trouble sleeping on his own but I'm sure it won't be much longer I'll back downstairs in my bed.

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