Sunday, February 12, 2012

3 Months Old

Yep, it's true! Caleb is 3 months old!!

*His favorite activity is pulling his paci out of his mouth to suck on his fingers/fist (not thumbs).
*He also enjoys the bouncy seat quite a bit.
*He eats 6 times a day. The first 4 times are 3.5 hours apart and the last two close together before sleeping all night.
*He usually sleeps 11PM-8AM, but still needs help falling asleep. Of course, there are nights here and there that he has a hard time sleeping.
*He has moved to the 3-6 month clothes, but some of the pants are a little big on him.
*Tummy time has gotten a little easier since I discovered he likes to watch Sesame Street on Netflix on my phone. I lay it down in front of him and he holds his head up to watch it, only fussing when he is tired of tummy time.
*He smiles with his tongue sticking out of his mouth.

Pictures coming a little later

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