Friday, March 30, 2012

4 month update (a little late)

Now that we are almost to 5 months, I guess I should update on the 4 month stats. Caleb was 13lbs 10oz (50%) and 25 inches (25%). He was in the 50% and 25% respectively at his 2 week appt and up to the 75% and 50% at 2 months. I'm pretty sure he'd be back up there if he was weighed and measured again because his growth spurts tend to occur a week or so later than I expect them. I think he might be starting one now because he was extremely tired today. Either way, he's still growing just fine.

What has he been up to lately?

-He is down to just 3 naps a day - normally totaling 4 hours.
-His sleep cycles are still 40-45 minutes. So he ends up sleeping 45 minutes and then I put him back to sleep for another 45 minutes for 1.5 hour long nap. This happens twice a day.
-He sleeps between 10 and 11 hours at night, stirring every 45 minutes but goes back to sleep on his own.
-He is finally staying awake for 2 hours at a time instead of just 1.5 hours so that is giving him more time to be on the floor.
-Since he's been spending more time on the floor he has discovered the fun of rolling, both tummy to back and back to tummy in both directions.
-He is pushing up with straight arms almost getting his entire tummy off the floor.
-Instead of trying to get his knees up under him, he kicks like he would to be swimming.
-The pterodactyl squeal that he started at a couple of days old is getting louder and longer.
-He enjoys blowing raspberries and will laugh at himself doing it.
-He likes to hold his own bottle for all of the feedings except the last one at night.
-He is still trying to figure out the sippy cup. He likes to put it in his mouth and chew instead of suck on it.
-He has grown out of some of the smaller 3-6 month clothes.
-He is wearing 12 month shorts because I didn't want to go buy 3-6 months shorts and we have lots of 12 month shorts, but they seem to fit him just fine.
-Believe it or not, he has pooped in the potty twice and peed numerous times and he really enjoys it (more on that later.)
-Tonight for the first time Caleb laughed at a situation. Usually he laughs at being tickled or funny noises, but tonight he pulled his bib off by accident and it made Dan laugh and then he started laughing.
-He still does his mouth-wide-open grin while playing and smiles when being talked to, but he has started giving me real, normal-looking smiles when he makes eye contact with me.

In other words, he is keeping us busy every day doing new things and exploring the world around him. Cloth diapering is going pretty good (when I remember to wash them!) We still put him in disposable at night because he sleeps for so long and is always soaked in the morning. I've been sitting him on the potty to pee every time I change his diaper and sometimes in between. Just about every time, he will actually pee. Since I was already changing him out of a cloth diaper and into a disposable diaper when I knew he was about to poop, I am now just sitting him on the potty. He always smiles when he has finished peeing or pooping in the potty. That's it for now though, I must go to bed!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Whoever thought up the time change apparently did not have children. After a 2.5 week period of little sleep, Caleb is finally on a schedule again and sleeping great at night. Now we have to adjust our whole schedule to get him on the new time on Sunday. Although, the time going forward is going to be easier to adjust him to than going back in the fall. Either way, I stand by my first statement.

Anyway, Caleb has finally started sleeping at night again. In fact, he is sleeping an hour more now than he was before the period of not sleeping. His naps started changing to 45 minutes and started sleeping 11PM-3AM. From 3AM until time to get up around 8:00ish, he would wake up every 45 minutes. I was sure I'd never sleep another night in my life. I think it was a combination of being more alert and knowing there was a world outside of himself and not getting enough to eat that did it to him. Of course, he wasn't eating enough because he was getting distracted while nursing because he was more alert - vicious cycle. Now with formula supplement he is sleeping at night again, but the naps are still only 45 minutes long.

His schedule tends to go like this:
10PM-8:00AM: sleep for the night
8:00AM-8:30AM: sometimes still sleeping, other times awake and playing
8:30AM-9:00AM: eat #1
9:00AM-10:00AM: play
10:00AM-10:45AM: nap #1
10:45AM-11:30AM: sometimes continues to nap, sometimes awake
11:45AM-12:15PM: eat #2
12:15PM-1:30PM: awake
1:30PM-2:15PM: nap #2
2:15PM-3:00PM: awake
3:00PM-3:30PM: eat #3
3:30PM-4:15PM: awake
4:15PM-5:00PM: nap #3
5:00PM-6:00PM: awake
6:00PM-6:30PM: eat #4
6:30PM-7:00PM: awake
7:00PM-7:45PM: nap #4
7:45PM-9:00PM: awake
9:00PM-9:30PM: eat #5
9:30PM-10:00PM: read with Daddy

So he is eating 5 times a day and taking 4 naps a day. The days he sleeps for two 45 minute naps in the morning he is much more pleasant in the evening. On the days he is awake during that second 45 minute nap in the morning, he gets really fussy.

We have made progress in the "going to sleep" arena. We used to have to walk around with him to get him to settle down to sleep. He finally got used to just rocking, but would still put up a little fight before passing out. Now we are down to just rocking and very little, sometimes no, squirming or fussing before closing his eyes. Next step is to just hold him without rocking and then he will be ready to go to sleep on his own in the crib. Still a few months away from that, I'm sure. I'm enjoying rocking him now though since I know it won't last forever. The other big step is that he will settle down with someone besides me now. I used to be the only one that could put him to sleep for the night, now Dan gets to get in on the action and give me a break.

He is rolling tummy to back a lot more often now when he is on the floor for tummy time. This week Caleb has started rolling back to side, but not quite all the way over to tummy. I'm pretty excited about this because once he has mastered this particular skill then he will be that much closer to going to sleep on his own. He sleeps on his tummy and if you put him down in the crib awake he will roll over on his back and not be able to fall asleep.

He has started the "everything goes in the mouth" stage. His favorite is to grab my fingers and pull him to his mouth - this does not excite me. I'd rather him not put anything in his mouth, but all babies do it so I'm going to have to live with it. We're still fighting the paci vs the fingers (not thumb) battle and I think we are still tied. When I pull his fingers out of his mouth to put the paci in he readily accepts it. However, it isn't too long after that he his sucking on the paci but has also slipped a finger or two in with it. He has been pulling the paci out without any problem, but just the other day almost stuck it back in his mouth.

In the car, Caleb has started getting a little fussy but I think it is because he gets bored. I've been putting some toys in his lap when I buckle him in and that seems to help some. At least, until he has thrown or kicked it out of his lap and he is once again bored. We still love the car seat and he seems really comfortable in it.

We've switched to cloth diapers for the day, but still use the disposable at night for the extra absorbancy. The cloth diapers, so far, have been really easy to use. For a while he was still wearing some of the 0-3 month pants, but has now grown out of all of them and is completely in 3-6 month clothes. It won't be much longer and I'll have to pull out the 6-9 and 9-12 month clothes.

For the most part, we have settled into a routine that seems to work for all of us. Some days are certainly better than others though. We are heading into another busy time. He will be 4 months old on the day his cousin, Cheyanne, turns 4 years old. Caleb's new cousin, Izabella, will be born in April probably, along with several other birthdays that month. In May, I plan on getting some serious painting done in the house with the help of Vicki. I will post his official DR stats next week when he has his 4 month check-up, along with some more pictures.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

3 Months Old

Yep, it's true! Caleb is 3 months old!!

*His favorite activity is pulling his paci out of his mouth to suck on his fingers/fist (not thumbs).
*He also enjoys the bouncy seat quite a bit.
*He eats 6 times a day. The first 4 times are 3.5 hours apart and the last two close together before sleeping all night.
*He usually sleeps 11PM-8AM, but still needs help falling asleep. Of course, there are nights here and there that he has a hard time sleeping.
*He has moved to the 3-6 month clothes, but some of the pants are a little big on him.
*Tummy time has gotten a little easier since I discovered he likes to watch Sesame Street on Netflix on my phone. I lay it down in front of him and he holds his head up to watch it, only fussing when he is tired of tummy time.
*He smiles with his tongue sticking out of his mouth.

Pictures coming a little later

Friday, January 20, 2012

10 Weeks

We've made it 10 weeks!!!

First real smile I got a picture of even though it is blurry
(first smile was on Christmas day)

Practicing sitting up - falling to the right

Practicing sitting up - falling to the left

Practicing sitting up - falling to the back

Practicing sitting up - falling to the front

"Are you going to help me back up???"

Finally getting the hang of it!

Relaxing after all that hard work :)

Playing at his cousins' grandparents' house because Mommy lost one
set of keys and locked the other set in the van...little bit of a rough morning.

Today was a day of rest for Mommy and Caleb. We have let him eat and sleep when he wanted, which resulted in way less sleep than he needed at about 8-10 hours in a 24 hour period. So we decided to try out a schedule and see if we couldn't get him to sleep a little more. He did pretty good for a couple of days and slept great at night. Last night was not much fun with only 3.5 hours of sleep. So we both slept much of the day today. We went ahead with the bedtime routine and put him to sleep at 8:30 even though he slept most of the day. He is asleep and hopefully will get some good rest tonight.

Since we've been trying out this routine, Caleb gets a bath at night. He cries through the whole bath until it is time to wash his hair. The boy loves to have his hair washed! He comes by it honest though; I pay the money for a salon haircut so that I can enjoy the wash too.

He has been practicing sitting up since he hates to just lay down. In just a week, he has improved a lot and can now sit in the bumbo seat without falling over. We found out this week at the mentoring program that he really enjoys watching people play basketball. As in, he would get a sad look on his face if I turned him around to where he couldn't see but would smile when I turned him back around to see them. His eating schedule has been pretty consistent at 6 times during the day and 1 time at night. I finally don't feel like all I do is feed him anymore. 3 out of 5 nights this week he has slept in his crib which is in his room now. I am sleeping in the bed upstairs to still be somewhat close for those nights he still has trouble sleeping on his own but I'm sure it won't be much longer I'll back downstairs in my bed.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Finally some pictures!

Not quite 7 weeks old yet but already enjoying the jumperoo.
Only about 5 more inches of leg length needed to get rid of the box underneath.

7 weeks old and all dressed up!

8 weeks old and still loving the car seat :)

8 weeks old, sucking on his fist while sleeping on his stomach


2 Months

Some days it feels like Caleb was just born and some days it feels like these past 2 months have lasted forever. I guess it just depends on how much sleep we get on any given night (or day).

We are still making progress in the whole going to sleep and staying asleep thing. Two nights ago, we were able to get him in the crib asleep by 12:30AM which is way better than the 2AM schedule. Then he woke up at 2Am to eat but then slept until 7:15AM. Then last night, he was in the crib asleep by 11PM. He woke up at 5AM this morning, which is why I am awake right now. But he went back to sleep with the wubbanub instead of eating.

Even with getting him to bed earlier, he still likes to have that feeding between 7AM and 9AM sometime and go back to sleep. This doesn't bother me a bit as long as he sleeping at night, especially considering I always want to go back to sleep at that time too! Now that we are officially finished with the growth spurt that seemed to last FOREVER, he is consistently eating about every 3 hours for a total of 6 times during the day with a 7th time sometime during or at the beginning of the night. The doctor said he should be nursing 10-15 minutes per side at each feeding. Not going to happen! He will go anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes on one side and that is it.

2 month stats are in: 10 lbs 10.5 oz and 23 1/4 inches. This took him from the 25% in weight at 3 weeks to the 50% at 2 months and from the 50% in height at 3 weeks to the 75% at 2 months. I guess I don't have to worry about whether he is getting enough to eat even though he isn't nursing near as long as the doctor recommended. He just isn't chunky at all, except for his double chin :)

Still have pictures to post one day...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sleeping Like a Baby

For several reasons such as traveling and hospital visits, we never established sleeping in the crib as part of the routine for Caleb. 95% of the time he slept with someone either in the bed or the recliner. However, now we are working hard to get him sleeping in the crib so that as he is developing his sleeping habits he isn't dependent on us to fall asleep. Also, working on the whole staying awake during the day and sleeping at night thing (he prefers to sleep 4AM to noon.)

Last night we tackled both of these. After ruling out him being fussy because he was hungry, I finally got him to settle down enough to close his eyes. I put him in the crib at 1AM and he was able to fall asleep...for 20 minutes! At 1:20 I had to pick him up and settle him down but I was able to put him back down after only a few minutes. Then he slept until 2AM, which at that time I had to settle him back down. Next came 3AM, so he slept almost an hour that time. I decided he might be hungry so I fed him, and of course, he fell asleep nursing. So I laid him down immediately and he slept until I woke him up at 8AM to eat.

Now he is taking a nap in the crib and I only had to pick him up once to settle him down. The second time he was able to calm down while staying in the crib. Maybe we are making progress!

I do have pictures to post, but I've got to figure out how to get them on here.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Number 1

Reasons for this blog:
1) Grandparents, other family members, and friends that are interested in watching the current little one and future little ones grow up but aren't able to be here.
2) I'm sure not everyone on facebook is interested in how many times a day the baby eats or whether or not he is sleeping at night, but at some point I know I will want to look back and read about it.
3) Because this is what parents do

With that being said, this first post is at 3AM while the 7 weeker is still wide awake. He is on my sleep schedule so I can't get too frustrated with him. We like to stay up late and sleep late. Unfortunately sometimes mommy has to get up early and the 7 weeker doesn't understand going to bed earlier the night before such mornings. Oh well, we will have to address that at some point.

Today Caleb enjoyed jumping in the jumperoo for a whole 8-10 minutes, but those were the best 8-10 minutes of the day! He is technically still too small for this kind of adventure but he has good head control and likes to stand and jump while being held. So I figured it was worth a try. He loved it and was all smiles, but when he was tired of jumping he let me know.

He has also been rolling over from tummy to back for the past week and a half. I've never known a six week old to roll over until now. Now at almost 8 weeks, he is a pro at it. Everything I've read says that rolling over doesn't begin until 4 to 6 months.

The bumpers are going to have to come out of the crib since he ends up moving around the whole thing during the course of a few hours at night. If he were lifting his head while moving, then it would be considered an army crawl. He has his arms and legs going but keeps his head down even though he can lift it up with no problem. Pretty sure a 7 week old isn't supposed to be crawling.

In other words, it won't be too much longer until we are chasing Caleb around the house trying to keep up with him.